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Term dates and school times

As a school we have a responsibility to promote and encourage good attendance and challenge where levels drop below expected standards. Expected standard in a primary school is 96%.

Regular attendance at school is extremely important if children are to make progress and parents/carers are responsible for getting their children to school every day.

The school gates open at 8:40am and children go straight to their classroom, where staff greet them. Registration is at 8:45am. If children arrive after 8:50am, they should report to the school office.

If your child is ill and not well enough to come to school, please inform us by telephone before the start of the school day using the absence line 01865 340420, choosing option 1, or email

Timings of the school day: EYFS and Key Stage 1
Morning session 8.45am - 12 noon
Morning play 10.50am - 11.05am
Lunch break 12.00pm - 1.00pm
Afternoon session 1.00pm - 3.15pm
Timings of the school day: Key Stage 2
Morning session 8.45am - 12.15pm
Morning play 11am - 11.15am
Lunch break 12.15pm - 1pm
Afternoon session 1pm - 3.15pm

The total number of school hours provided in a typical week is 32.5.

It is very important that children attend school every day during term time. Holidays should only be taken during the allocated holiday dates. We are not able to authorise holidays in term time.

Term time and holiday dates are available below.